
See photos from our recent events and meet ups!

Volunteer social - May 2024

Chatterbox - May 2024

10-16s karaoke - April 2024

Dads social - April 2024

Chatterbox - April 2024

Mums social - April 2024

Over 17s Bowling - April 2024

Singing Hands 2024 - March 2024

WDSD dance class at The Edge - March 2024

Loubie Lou at Chatterbox - March 2024

Speed dating with DS Cheshire - February 2024

Over 17s Cookery Class - February 2024

Over 17s Christmas Party - December 2023

Chatterbox - June 2023

Chatterbox - May 2023

+17s Photography Social - May 2023

Chatterbox - April 2023

+17s Painting Class with Cork & Canvas - March 2023

+15s SOS Dance Class for World Down Syndrome Day! - March 2023

Singing Hands for World Down's Syndrome Day - March 2023

Planting Sunflower Seeds - to remember we all grow at our own pace - March 2023

Elsa and Mirabel visit Chatterbox - March 2023

Visit from DanceSyndrome at Chatterbox - February 2023